Covid-19 Pandemic Business Continuity Impact & Assistance

Jul 2, 2020

Dear valued GOSO client,

I hope this email finds you well during these unprecedented circumstances and that you and your loved ones are safe.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first time in the history of social media that we see so many people collectively rely on Instagram to get through difficult times. We have never been more united on the globe as we are now. This abundance of worldwide, virtual support we’re seeing is truly heartwarming and therefore we believe it is the best time to be investing in your accounts.

If your business is suffering due to the lockdown, then getting active on Instagram is crucial for increased brand awareness, improved SEO, better brand loyalty, and gain marketplace insights. Take this time to connect directly with your customers.
We are very thankful that our company allows us to work from home and that business for GOSO is running as usual. We would like to make the most of this experience by giving back to our community and do what we can to help our clients & non-clients. We’ve got 3 new things we think will be beneficial to you and/or your business.

Firstly, we’ve started producing more Instagram-related videos with advice on how to better your social media presence when you have less to work with. You can find these on our YouTube channel. If you want to see videos on any certain topic, please let us know and we’ll more than happy to produce them.

Furthermore, we will be doing webinars for media channels, covering any marketing topic. Anyone is welcome to join in and ask me (Chris) as many questions as you’d like! Here is the list we have so far:

1. Taking your business online for now and the future.
2. Easy Free ways to market your company or yourself.
3. Marketing strategies and ideas on a very limited budget.
4.How to make the most of the Corona lockdown for your business.
5. Why it’s essential to be on Social media right now.
6. Think positive about the Corona lockdown.
7. How to come out of the Corona lockdown on the up.
8. Ideas to implement into your business right now.
9. How to help yourself and others during the Corona lockdown.
10. Dos and don’ts for now and in the future and business.
11. How to grow local business over the next weeks.
12. How should you treat your staff during these worrying times.
13. How to close business when everyone is making cuts.

If there are any other matters you’d like us to discuss, please send us a support ticket letting us know!

Finally, we would like to offer our clients spending over 200€ a 20 minute phone call with Cesar, our head of sales. Cesar has been with us since the beginning, he’s one of the GOSO pioneers. He knows the company inside & out and would know best how to put together a strategy for your business. He is more than happy to set up a call with you to address any business-related dilemma you may have, and help you find the best way to approach the situation. All you have to do is send a support ticket aimed at Cesar and he will set up an appointment with you.

We hope this helps, if we can be of any other assistance to you please inform us!
From myself and the GOSO team, we wish you all the best.

Chris Rowan

“Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.” – Winston Churchill

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